I had intended to write this a little more regularly so I’m sorry that its been a whole two weeks. I can at least tell you that we are now making some good progress and we will likely open in another two to three weeks.
We have now finished removing all the stuff which was either unwanted, old or broken. All the crusty old sinks, plugs, stud walls etc have now been pulled out and new shinny items are going in where we actually need them. We now also have the modern marvels of both power and running water although this currently means just one live plug and one cold tap but they are at least safe and not leaking. These are both thanks to Steve our brilliant builder (he has featured on Grand Designs several times!!!). Steve has very kindly found time to help us out until the job is done. He did one day last Friday 3rd and started full time this Friday 10th. We’ve also had great help with painting from Serena who some of you have met at The Inn on The Park or St Albans Town Hall and a days work from the lovely Lady Plasterer, Carole. Mum is now home from her hols and may be persuaded to pick up a brush this week so with any luck we will be moving faster and faster towards opening.
Most of the work being done is to make sense of our back rooms and to ensure that the shop is warm, safe, hygienic and brightly lit. We’re already starting to add some of our own personality and colour to the space and paint is going on the walls as well as to Wickes car park. An accident with a pothole, a trolley and a 10L bucket of white emulsion was one of the low points so far but luckily I am not yet barred, which is a good thing, as I am there most days for supplies. Having given the entire shop space and ceilings a couple of coats of white, it feels about twice as big as it had done with the bare plaster.
This week we aim to have our sockets lighting and heaters up and running and to start work on the swap round of bathroom and kitchen There is still a lot to be done but opening day is getting closer and I hope that this week we will be able to pencil in a date.
Thanks, great article.